Fund Your Requirements With A Loan Against Property In India

Most people in India are wary when it comes to opting for loan against property . While the cautious approach is justified, there are advantages to this approach. A big factor working in its favour is the fact that this is a secure loan. As long as the amount being borrowed is around 40 to 70 percent of the evaluated price of the property, the loan should be processed and approved quickly.

Some people prefer this over personal loans because the former comes with lower interest rates as well as affordable EMIs. While the base purpose for both the loans is almost the same, the eligibility criterion for a personal loan is relatively tougher as repayment ability is established by a regular and reliable source of income. A loan against property, though, functions differently as the loan amount is determined against your property value. The interest rates for loan against property vary from 12 to 15.75 percent whereas for a personal loan, it ranges anywhere between 16 to 25 percent. Factoring in the difference, it makes sense to look at this option for the ease of repayment.

What could be considered the right reasons for taking this loan though? People often take this loan up for reasons that cannot be easily categorized into established loan categories. What will you do, for example, if you want to expand your business but can’t get your bank to give the needed business loan? Do you have enough funds to get your daughter or son married? Do you have funds for their school or college education in India or abroad? How can you arrange funds for urgent medical treatment for loved ones?

When faced with these difficult choices, mortgaging your home or official property for the loan stands as an alternative. It is important though, to keep in mind that most banks ask for a number of documents based on the person’s profession or business. There are also certain eligibility criteria that must be met for an approved loan against property in India . You must demonstrate repayment ability through a consistent source of income, existing loans, repayment track record and assets. Apart from these factors, the approval process will also include verifying the cost and legal documents of the property. These verifications make processing the loan a longer process when compared to a personal loan.

While it can be easy to want to take up this loan for its cost effectiveness, you should be cautious about the terms and conditions before signing on the dotted line. Take all the factors including pre-payment clause and interest rate into account to ensure that everything fits your monthly cash flow. It is important to realize that this is a financial commitment that could stretch for several years. Keeping this in mind, many financial experts urge that users be cautious and aware of their exact requirements before moving forward.

How depression can ruin your life

Depression is a disorder that affects you personally and everything you do daily in life. When it sets in, recovery is not easy. Depression brings you to a low state of mind that takes time before normalcy sets in again.

One can indirectly compare depression with sadness. If you are sad, everything around you looks uninteresting. You don’t find joy in living again. The same applies to depression. It is a state of mind that can affect the body because your mind and body are interconnected and dependent on one another.

When your mind is not right, your mood changes which affects your mental capabilities. Being a chain reaction, your low mental capabilities invariably affect your physical health. The by-product of depression’s effect on physical health is a gradual process. One might not even notice any changes in one’s life at the beginning.

Are You Depressed?

How do you know if you’re depressed? Some confuse being sad with depression. Sadness is a bit similar, but it is a short-term condition. One can easily get rid of sadness and be happy within a short time. But depression is directly the opposite. If the feeling lingers for more than two weeks, you likely have depression. Some other symptoms include:

Being sad or having an empty feeling for two weeks or more.
The act of feeling hopeless or helpless.
Lack of interest in things generally.
Experiencing changes in appetite.
Experiencing occasional nausea, headaches, chronic pain.
Experiencing changes in sleeping schedule.
Isolation from friends and family.
Concentration becoming difficult.
Always anxious, and complaining of been stressed.
Frequent irritability or anger.
Looks constantly fatigued.
Thinking of committing suicide.
We have a book that can get you out of depression. Read it.

It is normal to see People with depression have trouble maintaining a normal work schedule. They might even find it difficult to fulfill any social obligation given to them. This might be due to the inability to concentrate which affects your memory. You can’t be organized when you’re in a state of depression, and making decisions becomes difficult.

Some people take temporary solace in alcohol or drugs, while others in food. Some gain weight when they are depressed, while others lose weight. All these might increase the instances of reckless or abusive behavior if not tackled in time. As nobody wants to be sad, so nobody wants to be depressed. During the state of depression, we lose a lot in any area you can think of. That is the reason why it is good to seek help any time one is going through it.

How Does Depression Affect You?
What you do daily complies with what you do over-time. If depression can affect you daily, it will affect you as long as you’re still depressed. If you’re a business person, it affects your financial level. It does not limit its disadvantages on how you sleep, eat, your education, career, your relationships, health, and concentration. It can also lead you to alcoholism or drug addiction.

Here are ways depression can affect us and ruin our life:

Digestive System: Digestive system helps our body in the area of food digestion, and assimilation of the digested food nutrients into our bloodstream. When depression sets in, it negatively affects our appetite. Some people tend to overeat, while others have a low appetite.

Those that overeat might likely develop obesity because of weight gain. It can even lead to hyperglycemia if the appetizing food is not a balanced diet. Hyperglycemia is a high blood sugar level in the bloodstream. And if it is not controlled, it can lead to diabetics.

Depression symptoms of low appetite might result in either malnutrition or hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a condition where you have a low sugar level in the body. It is also possible to experience stomach aches, cramps, and constipation when you’re depressed.

Cardiovascular/Immune System: Depression is a condition that prompts mental stress. Mental stress affects the brain and causes stress hormones to be released. This stress hormone narrows the blood vessel, thereby restricting blood flow. Since blood is the transport system of the body, and there is a restriction to its function, other parts of the body will be affected.

This restriction of functionality caused by the stress hormone can be damaging to your cardiovascular system and can lead to heart disease. Blood pressure tends to become high with increased pulse rate.

Over-reaction of these stress hormones for a long time can also result in a weakened immune system. The immune system helps the body to fight any strange body. If it’s low, then opportunistic infection sets in.

Sleep Disorders: Depression most times leads to sleep disorders. Your sleeping pattern is impaired. You might experience difficulty in falling asleep, and sometimes, difficulty in staying asleep. This condition is called insomnia. Insomnia and depression are interrelated, and insomnia is very common among depressed patients. Not refreshing sleep is also common with depressed people.

Memory Loss: Memory loss in a depressed person can be due to the stress hormone that is released into the system during this state. It constricts the flow of blood in blood vessels. The circulation of blood is impaired. Less blood reaches the brain through the capillaries. This is a chain reaction that results in temporary memory loss and is linked closely to your emotional and mental state. When your body is in a state of stress or anxiety or being depressed, it will be difficult to maintain focus or think clearly.

Seeking Care

The first step in seeking care is to talk to your primary healthcare provider. Your doctor is trained and equipped to help you determine the best care you need to come back to living happy, healthy life again.

Sometimes Male Organ Odor is Related to Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants have been a lifesaver for many a man. The male body naturally tends to generate aromas, especially when the man is active and sweating, and really good antiperspirants are the key to keeping excess body odor at bay. But what about male organ odor? Surprisingly, even when a man is very careful about hygiene and member health, he may still come down with a rank manhood – and it’s possible that use of antiperspirants may be contributing to that problem.


Look, there’s nothing wrong with a little sweat. It’s a totally natural function of the body and it happens with all men (and women). It also serves a very important function – acting as the body’s “air conditioning system” to help the body cool down when it’s overheated.

And people need a lot of cooling down. The armpits alone can pump out as much as 3.5 gallons of sweat in one day. But not all sweat is the same. Sweat tends to come from two different kinds of glands: the eccrine, which produces sweat that doesn’t create odor, and the apocrine, which certainly does.

Not that the sweat is malodorous as it leaves the body. It’s when it’s outside the body that the aroma issue begins. The sweat from apocrine glands contains fats and proteins, which attract bacteria like flowers attract bees. The bacteria latch onto these ingredients in the sweat, and – voila! – odor occurs.

Also, bacteria simply love moist places like armpits (and male organs) and they also love environments that have a low ph level. The underarm skin has a naturally acidic layer which helps keep bacteria away, but harsh soaps can wear this layer away – making bacteria more likely to proliferate.


And that’s where antiperspirants come in. They attempt to eliminate the odor problem by reducing the amount of sweat produced under the arms. Antiperspirants tend to be composed of mixtures of aluminum chloride and some nitrile compound. When these ingredients get placed under the arm, they react to the initial presence of sweat by forming a gel. The gel spreads across the pores, plugging them up so that more sweat can’t escape.

There’s substantial debate over exactly how safe antiperspirants are and how much they should be used. But for the time being, millions of men use them regularly. And for some of them, that may be the reason their male organ odor is on the rise.

Male organ odor connection

It may seem odd that using an antiperspirant under the arms should create odor around the manhood, but there’s a pretty logical reason. Think about a little stream. If a person places a large boulder to block the stream, water builds up behind the boulder, but eventually it spills over and is diverted around the sides.

That’s what happens with antiperspirants. The sweat is blocked from exiting via the underarms, but it still needs to escape elsewhere, so it chooses other parts of the body – such as the midsection. The male organ area is already a mighty producer of sweat; with antiperspirant use, it may be a major receptacle for bypassed sweat.

What to do

Many men prefer deodorants to antiperspirants, but those who do use antiperspirants need to wash their manhood regularly with a mild soap to help alleviate male organ odor. They also are strongly advised to apply a superior member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since bacteria are a major cause of male organ odor, selecting a crème with antibacterial properties is de rigueur. Therefore, be sure to find a crème with vitamin A, which is well-known for its ability to fight odor-producing bacteria. It also is helpful if vitamin E is included in the crème. Vitamin E helps to repair damaged skin cells that may be a hangout for bacteria. In general, keeping the manhood fit through a good member health crème makes the male organ more resistant to bacterial issues.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.