Excess body fat is the condition of rise in body mass index and fat mass accumulation, which undoubtedly raises the risks of hypertension, coronary heart conditions and dyslipidemia. The term ‘metabolically obese’ is used for condition when people have normal weight but are pre-disposed to health factors found in obese people such as diabetes, high triglycerides and hypertension and hence, want to get rid of excess weight.
Although a large part of the body energy is stored in the subcutaneous adipose tissues, some individuals get fat depositions in the adipose tissues in the abdominal cavities which can be detrimental to metabolism and raise the risk of fat – related diseases such as diabetes, high triglycerides, inflammation, alternation of cytokine profile, impaired fibrinolysis, endothelial dysfunction etc. Natural supplements to burn body fat offer better ways to get rid of the excess mass because medications or surgical cures cannot provide a long term treatment for the problem – which once discontinued causes weight regain. Rather, the person with high fat deposits remains constantly in stress due to the side effects of such anti obesity medications or surgical cures, while, certain class of anti obesity medications suppresses appetite or increases the level of neurotransmitters which raise hunger. Some cures cause loss of natural energy and makes a person feel weak.
Natural supplements to burn body fat e.g. InstaSlim capsules provide a pool of pancreatic lipase inhibitors, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins and work as natural appetite controller. Weight gain happens due to the imbalance in the metabolism, energy expenditure and adiposity – the conditions which can lead to excess storing of triglycerides, lipid homeostasis, energy imbalance and herbs can prevent such gain of mass by targeting the process of adiposity as the herbs work as natural lipid metabolism regulators.
Kali Mirch or black pepper, one of the ingredients in the herbal cure, contains bio-component piperine which was tested on obese rats and the trial found the dose of herbal extract significantly reduced the body weight and also reduced biological marker for obesity and insulin resistance. It is assumed the phyto-chemicals could affect adipogenesis to suppress the formation of new fat cells to get rid of excess weight, and inhibited the actions of proteins PPARy and LXRa. About 40 mg per kg of the herb extract is needed for anti-obesity effects and the bio-components in the herb had properties to reduce fat mass and increase good cholesterol levels. Also it had lipid lowering properties. Samudra Shosh or Argyreia nervosa has the properties to improve serum content-leptin, total cholesterol levels, LDL, triglycerides and can reduce diet induced obesity as tested on laboratory rats.
Haritaki, Bahera and Arjuna (or the triphala), are another key ingredients in the natural supplements to burn body fat e.g. InstaSlim capsules, which help to improve metabolism. The tests on these three herbs approve of the properties to reduce leptin levels and increase adiponectin. The regular intake of the herbal formulation can prevent complications of obesity such as osteoporosis, hypertension, neuro degenerative conditions and also reduce the risk factors linked to the coronary health diseases. Haritaki can reduce blood glucose, work as nephro protective agent and has immune modulatory effects on body.